Digitalisation and Social Change. Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association. Pécs, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
The Socio-Political Integration of AI: A Care Perspective.
2nd International Symposium on Politics of Technologies in the Digital Age. 2024, University of Ioannina, Greece. (In English)
The Socio-Political Integration of AI: A Care Perspective.
Mothers of Europe Workshop. 2024, Hungarian Europe Society; Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest. (In Hungarian)
Care and Artificial Intelligence from a Feminist Perspective.
Forum Beyond Compliance: Research Ethics in the Digital Age. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). 2024. HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI), Budapest. (In English)
Regulating Artificial Intelligence: A Political Theory Perspective.
CENTRAL Leadership Program. 2024, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest. (In English)
The Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence.
ECPG European Conference on Politics and Gender. 2024, Ghent University. Ghent, Belgium. (In English)
Post-Socialist Utopia and Retropia in Hungary: Exploring Different Gender Needs and Concerns.
Presentation on behalf of the research group at CSS (Hungarian Consortium Member Institute of the UNTWIST Horizon Project)
Drifting Worlds – Is the Political Gender Gap Growing? A Roundtable Discussion. Kompromisszum. NFGreen Festival. 2024, Tallós (Tomášikovo), Slovakia. (In Hungarian)
Invited discussant with Schleicher Nóra, Pogátsa Zoltán and Máté Marton.
I. Law and Political Theory Conference, Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Law. 2024, Budapest. (In Hungarian)
Paper presenter: The Concept of Exclusion and the Problem of Neutrality.
Conference section organizer: Dilemmas of Exclusion.
XXIX. Annual Conference of Hungarian Political Science Association (MPTT). 2024, Pécs, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Artificial Intelligence in Care Work: A Blessing or a Curse?
Hierarchy and Turmoil. POL-IR Workshop. Eötvös Lóránd University. Institute of Political and International Studies. 2024. Budapest, Hungary. (In English)
Reshaping the Discourse: The Role of Gender in Social Justice. The Cases of Migrant Women and Artificial Intelligence Robots.
Political Theory Book Corner. The Two Logics of Autocratic Rule by Johannes Gerschewski (PhD, Leibniz University Hannover; Freie Universität Berlin). 2023. Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In English)
Invited discussant with Zoltán Gábor Szűcs (PhD, Dr. habil., Eötvös Lóránd University / Centre for Social Sciences)
ELTE TáTK 20. Conference on Society Today (20th anniversary of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Eötvös Lóránd University). 2023, Budapest, Hungary. (In English)
Adapting Education in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.
Political Theory Book Corner. Facing Authority: A Theory of Political Legitimacy (Oxford University Press) by Thomas Fossen (PhD, Leiden University). 2023. Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In English)
Invited discussant with Zoltán Gábor Szűcs (PhD, Dr. habil., Eötvös Lóránd University / Centre for Social Sciences)
27th World Congress of Political Science. IPSA, 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (In English)
The Hobbesian Problem of Artificial Intelligence. Paper co-author: Attila Gyulai (PhD, Centre for Social Sciences)
XXVIII. Annual Conference of Hungarian Political Science Association (MPTT). 2023, Szeged, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Political Obligation in the Face of Global Challenges.
Winter School of the ECPR Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought. 2022, Colchester, United Kingdom. (In English)
Winter School participant.
Presenter: Political Obligation and Migration.
Colloquium of Comparing Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Alternative Leadership Styles in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Visegrad Fund. 2022, Prague, Czechia, virtual event (In English)
Presentation: Project research outcomes: A Hungarian case study.
Co-presenter: Tamás Tóth (PhD, LUPS)
Presentation and Discussion of a paper of Zoltán Gábor Szűcs (PhD, Dr. habil) on A Realist Membership Account of Political Obligation (Eötvös Lóránd University / Centre for Social Sciences) 2022, Budapest (In English)
Paper discussant.
The Age of Crises: Energy, Climate and Social Crises and Their Political Consequences. Social Theory Research Group of the Institute of Political History; Institute for Social Democracy. 2022, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Migration and Feminism.
Researchers’ Night. A Workshop on Immigration and Borders. Co-hosted with Eszter Farkas (Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Political Science). 2022, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
What the Southern Border Fence Could Protect Us From?
MANCEPT Workshop on Methodological Nationalism. 7-9 September 2022, Manchester, United Kingdom, hybrid event. (In English)
The Dual Problem of the Political Theory of Migration.
ECPR General Conference. University of Innsbruck. 2022, Innsbruck, Austria. (In English)
Paper title: The Methodology of the Political Theory of Migration.
Panel: Methodical Issues in Migration.
Section: Methods in Political Philosophy.
ECPR General Conference. University of Innsbruck. 2022, Innsbruck, Austria. (In English)
Paper title: The Unique Normativity of Exclusion and Movement.
Panel: New Perspectives on Theory, Methodology, and Methods in Intersectional Research.
Section: Intersectional Politics in Times of Entangled Crises: Theory, Method and Empirical Research.
XXVII. Annual Conference of Hungarian Political Science Association (MPTT). 2022, Székesfehérvár, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Migration From a Political Realist Viewpoint.
Panel chair at: XXVII. Annual Conference of Hungarian Political Science Association (MPTT). 2022, Székesfehérvár, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Section: Political Theory in a Dramatically Changing World.
Belonging. Sommerfrische of Imre Kertész Kolleg, Rutgers University, and Institute of Political History. Biertan, Romania. (In English)
Summer School participant.
New Perspectives On Political Obligation. Online Workshop. Centre for Social Sciences. 2022, Budapest, Hungary. (In English)
Why Do We Need a Feminist Theory of Political Obligation (If We Need It at All)?
Philosophy vs. Economics. Panel Discussion. Corvinus Debate Society. 2022, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Invited panelist.
9th Conflicting Points (Ütközéspontok). Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students Department of Philosophy (DOSZ FiTO). 2022, Szeged, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
The Political Theory of Migration: A Critical Cosmopolitan Care Approach.
4th Annual Conference of Intellectual History and Political Theory. NUPS Tamás Molnár Research Centre. Centre for Social Sciences. 2021, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Exclusion and Political Normativity.
Rawls and the past Fifty Years of Justice. Eötvös Lóránd University, Institute of Philosophy; Centre for Social Sciences (CSS), Institute for Political Science. 2021, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Rawls and Migration.
8th International Conference on Eurasian Politics and Society (IEPAS). Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis (CESRAN International), Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. 2021, Lisbon, Portugal, virtual event. (In English)
The Peculiar Normativity of Movement.
Researchers’ Night. (On behalf of the Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Political Science). 2021, Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In Hungarian)
Can Artificial Intelligence be Regulated? A Political Theoretical Approach.
Social Ontology 2021. International Social Ontology Society (ISOS) and the European Network for Social Ontology (ENSO). University of California, San Diego, United States of America, virtual event. (In English)
Political Obligation and Migration.
XXVI. Annual Conference of Hungarian Political Science Association (MPTT). 2021, Debrecen, Hungary, virtual event. (In Hungarian)
New Challenges, Old Approaches? The Unique Problematics of Political Theory.
3rd International PhD Conference of the Doctoral School of IR and Political Science of Corvinus University of Budapest. Pallas Athene Domus Meriti Foundation (PADME) and Corvinus Doctoral Schools. 2021, Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In English)
Vulnerability and Sustainability in Political Thought.
ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops. 2021, virtual event. (In English)
As a co-organizer of the panel titled Political Normativity: a Straw Man or a Genuine Problem for Political Theorizing?
As a presenter of the paper titled The Peculiar Normativity of Movement.
Legal and Political Theory Postgraduate Conference. The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law and the Department of Politics and Public Administration. 2021, Hong Kong, virtual event. (In English)
The Political Theory of Migration: A Critical Cosmopolitan Care Approach.
First National Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference on Climate Change. Hungarian Scientific Panel on Climate Change (HUPCC). 2021, Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In Hungarian)
Climate Change and Sustainability in Political Thought.
8th Conflicting Points (Ütközéspontok). Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students Department of Philosophy (DOSZ FiTO). 2021, Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In Hungarian)
Political Obligations and Migration.
Political Normativity Workshop. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Centre for Social Sciences (CSS). 2020, Online event at Freiburg, Germany and Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In English)
Migration and Political Normativity.
International Ph.D. Conference of the Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science of the Corvinus University of Budapest. In cooperation with the Institute of Political Science of the L. Eotvos Research Network. 2020. Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In English)
Political Obligation and Migration Control.
3rd Annual Online Conference of Intellectual History and Political Theory. NUPS Tamás Molnár Research Centre. Centre for Social Sciences. 2020, Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In Hungarian)
Political Obligation, Control, and Migration.
XXIII. Spring Wind Conference. Association of Hungarian Ph.D. and DLA Students (DOSZ). 2020, Budapest, Hungary, virtual event. (In Hungarian)
Migration, Domination, and Status: Migration with a Republican and Feminist Eye.
The Burdens of Political Theory Workshop. Centre for Social Sciences (CSS), 2020, Budapest, Hungary. (In English)
On the Edge: Why is it so Difficult to Provide a Political Theory of Migration?
7th International Conference on Eurasian Politics and Society. Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis (CESRAN International), Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, virtual event. (In English)
A Republican Political Theory of Migration.
7th Conflicting Points (Ütközéspontok). Association of Hungarian Ph.D. and DLA Students Department of Philosophy (DOSZ FiTO). 2020, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
The Political Philosophy of Migration: A Republican Approach.
5th Conference for Doctoral Students of Political Science. 2019, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Methodological Nationalism in Political Theory.
ASPP Annual Conference: Justice in Times of Austerity, Rupture, and Polarisation. Association of Social and Political Philosophy (ASPP), Newcastle University. 2019, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom. (In English)
Justice in Times of the Refugee Crisis.
10th Braga Meetings On Ethics and Political Philosophy. Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society (CEPS), University of Minho. 2019, Braga, Portugal. (In English)
Justice in Times of the Refugee Crisis. Possibilities of a Rawlsian Approach.
6th Conflicting Points (Ütközéspontok). Association of Hungarian Ph.D. and DLA Students Department of Philosophy (DOSZ FiTO). 2019, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Migration: Indeed a Conflict? A Liberal Interpretation.
2nd Understanding East Central European Politics Conference. Corvinus University of Budapest (BCE), Institute for Political Science. 2019, Budapest, Hungary. (In English)
Fear of Refugees and Immigrants – A Theoretical Approach.
Mindannyiunk tudománya. Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE) Illyés Sándor Szakkolégium. 2019, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Can We Ameliorate Social Coexistence?
ETHOS 2nd Annual Conference and Philosophical Workshop. 2019, Budapest, Hungary. (In English)
Beliefs About Justice and the Refugee Crisis.
4th Conference for Doctoral Students of Political Science. 2018, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Do Refugees Pose a Threat? Challenges of a Liberal Approach.
1st Annual Conference of Political Theory. NUPS Tamás Molnár Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) Institute for Political Science. 2018, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
The Challenge of the Refugee Crisis: A Rawlsian Interpretation and a Feminist Correction.
Summer University of Social Theory Research Group of The Institute of Political History. 2018, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
The Political Theory of Paternalism after ’68.
XXIV. Annual Conference of Hungarian Political Science Association (MPTT). 2018, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Just Choice? Feminist Criticism of Rawls.
3rd Conference for Doctoral Students of Political Science. 2017, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Alternative Streams in Modern Political Philosophical Thought.
XXIII. Annual Conference of Hungarian Political Science Association (MPTT). 2017, Győr, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
Rawls From a Realist Viewpoint.
XXII. Annual Conference of Hungarian Political Science Association. 2016, Esztergom, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
The Liberalism of Rawls and Its Political Realist Criticism.
Workshop of The Paradox of Realism Research Group. 2015, Budapest, Hungary. (In Hungarian)
John Rawls, the ‘Devil’ of Realism.